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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gender Selection Pregnancy - Methods To Conceive A Girl Or Boy

By Olivia Campbell-Price

Most adults know how and today even children are being taught early how a baby is made. Some couples are even making the decision to opt for a gender selection pregnancy. This means that they choose the sex of their baby and in order to do this the basic biology you need to know is that the egg is always an "x" while the sperm can be both "x" and "y" and this is what determines the sex of your child. X=girl and y = boy!

In order to influence which sperm get to fertilize the egg, a few different factors come into play. These can be determined by the sex position, the time of ovulation, the acid or Ph status of the vagina, and some people say even the foods you eat can help.

One of the most important factors to consider is the ovulation cycle and this is simple to do in a woman who has a regular menstruation cycle. There is research to support the theory that certain times immediately before or after the release of an egg will determine its gender.

There is a great deal of information available on what techniques can be used to influence the gender of your child. Try not to get too clinical, especially if it is your first child, it generally takes about 3 - 6 months to get pregnant, but if it has been longer than 12 months, it is best to consult with an OB/Gyn. He can also more than likely provide you with some good strategies for you become pregnant and even gender selection pregnancy ideas.

Many couples want a balanced family, usually both a girl and a boy. It is an expensive business raising a child today and there are not many families who can manage more than two kids and thus want to have one of each gender if at all possible.

You are more than likely aware that gender selection is a hot button topic for many people. Because it is, old wives tales are being rehashed and scientific methods are constantly being developed. Listening to your grandmother as opposed to your OB/Gyn, will probably not get you very far in terms of gender selection, but you never know you might get lucky. Sleeping with a blue bootee under your pillow is a very sweet concept if you want to conceive a boy, but it is highly unlikely to influence the sperm that is busy swimming upstream.

There are some very clinical IVF and IUI methods being used that are extremely accurate and some couples are opting to take the scientific route. But bear in mind even though these methods can guarantee 100% success, both In Vitro Fertilization and Inter Uterine Insemination are clinical and invasive to a degree. In certain countries, embryonic testing and selection is illegal if undertaken solely for purposes of gender selection.

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