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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ereader - Don't You Just Have to Have One?

By Sarah Brook

It is no surprise that eReaders are becoming increasingly popular. After all people always love the thrill of owning a new gadget. But is there more to this device. Would it appeal to the book readers as well as gadget lovers?

True, there is an unparalleled satisfaction in reading a book. Especially if it is a quality bound book and, even more, if it has some history with you.

The eReader, on the other hand, seems to be just another electronic gadget that will complicate our lives rather then simplify them. I myself have always been a book person and never wanted to read off my computer.

When you read a book, you are engulfed by the experience. If it is not the first time reading that book, you can always reminisce what it was like to red it for the first time. Remember your surprise on the turn of the plot. Notice the stains and creases you accidentally made on some pages. So, books are my passion. Electronic reading is not.

Everything has changed last Christmas when my parents got me an Amazon Kindle eReader as a gift. You can imagine my reaction when I unwrapped it. What were they thinking? Didnt they know me at all?

When my frustration started to wear off, I actually sat down to examine what had this strange device had to offer. It was a lot different than I though it would be. The first think that shocked me was, of course, the display.

The display on the eReaders, and on the Kindle as well, uses a technology called eInk. It makes the page look like it was real paper. There was absolutely no strain on my eyes.

After flipping through a few pages I came to a conclusion it was not as bad as I thought. And, since I like to travel a lot, this could be a perfect companion and my luggage could weigh a lot less.

Of course, I would never give up on the comfort of reading my real books at home, but when traveling this device could be a great alternative.

So I guess I would have to answer Yes to the question. I think the eReader has a place on the shelves of many homes, not replacing the books, but providing an alternative in situations where books are not available.

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