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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Koi Pond Aeration - Oxygen level is Critical

By John Stoner

The Oxygen level in your Koi pond is something you probably don't think about very often, but it is critical. To ignore it is a big mistake. Some koi owners don't understand the need for simple aeration of their pond for the health of their fish. This is even more important in the warmest months.

There are several reasons why you need to pay attention to the oxygen level in the pond. First, its critical for the fish - this goes without saying. But it is also necessary for any vegetation you may have in the pond and most importantly for the critical chemical processes that go on including bacterial decomposition. Every pond has its own unique oxygen demand and it's constantly changing. It's affected by the number of fish and the amount of plant decomposition that goes on in the pond.

There is just so much oxygen that can be absorbed into water at any given time. It depends on factors such as the temperature of the water, movement of the water (aeration) and salinity. Since we're talking about freshwater ponds here, salinity is not a factor to worry about.

Since warm water cannot absorb as much oxygen, during the warmest months of the year, Koi pond aeration becomes very important. Watch the oxygen level in you pond carefully when it gets hot. Keep it at least between 5.0 and5.5 mg per liter.

Find ways to keep the water moving. This will allow higher oxygen absorption rates. Oxygen levels can drop very quickly in water that is standing an become dangerous for your fish. Fountains placed in the pond, are a great way to keep the water moving.

Check the amount of algae growth in the pond. Algae will add oxygen during the day but will deplete oxygen during the night. Too much algae can be a real problem for several reasons but affecting the oxygen level is certainly an important one.

If you must feed your fish during the heat of the day, remember they will utilize more oxygen then if they feed in the cooler hours. That's why the oxygen level can quickly drop dangerously low if your fish are feeding in the heat of the day and the water temperature is the warmest.

Good pond aeration can go a long way toward helping you manage the oxygen level in your pond. The addition of a water feature such as a fountain or small waterfall will provide good circulation and add beauty to your pond.

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