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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Off The Grid Living - Why Consider It?

By B M Bean

Wouldn't it be nice in the future if you no longer had concern yourself with paying the utility bills on your home each month or to run your car. There are many people today who are able to do this because they have chosen off the grid living.In the US alone there has been a steady increase in the last few months of people opting to go for off the grid living. They are not only environmentally friendly but it is their way of reducing their yearly utility bills and has allowed them to become more self sufficient.

With this type of living you dont need to be in the country to take it up you can do it just about anywhere these days. Many people when you say to them off the grid living tend to think of someone who grows their own organic foods and has a water system to provide their electricity. But this simply isnt the case there are other renewable energy sources one can use that allows you to live off the grid.

Okay water is a great renewable energy source for a home but you do need to be located by a stream or river to harness its power. However, for those that don't live close to such a source there are other types of renewable energy sources they can use, the most popular of these being wind and solar.

What reasons are there for you to consider off the grid living? Below we look at just a number of the advantages to be gained from this type of lifestyle which you may find very interesting and which may help you to then decide to do it.

1. Today the cost of actually installing a system that harnesses the power of wind, water or solar to provide electricity to your home as dropped considerably. This is because more and more companies are now offering the kind of systems that are suitable for use on homes and which you can either install yourself or employ someone to do it for you.

2. This is a sure fire way of helping to ensure that the environment we live in does not become too damaged. People who use renewable energy sources are reducing the size of their carbon footprint which means that the rate at which global warming takes place should slow down.

3. As well as helping to save the planet you are also working on a way of finally cutting down the amount of money you spend each year on your utility bills. For those who choose to install a DIY solar or wind powered system for their homes will find that in the coming years they are reducing their bill by around 90%.

As you can see from above there are plenty of reasons why so many people are opting for off the grid living today.

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