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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Free Tattoo Designs, Should You Use Them?

By Otis Alston

Ever notice that when you are searching for tattoo designs online, the tattoo designs all looks similar or you can recall that you've seen them somewhere else? Well this happens very often if you have been searching for tattoo designs online!

Because these designs are free and there is no restriction or copyrights, it ends up being spammed all over the Internet. And as a word of advice, if you are going to use one of this free tattoo design, DON'T!

These free tattoo flash has already been spread all over the cyberspace and I wouldn't be surprise is hundreds or even thousands of others had already use the exact same designs before. So if you want to use these free tattoo designs, you have to bear the risk of having the exact same tattoo design as someone else, and the chances are high. Because these designs are free, it has no doubt lost it's uniqueness.

If you truly want your tattoo to be unique and special, which most of us do, never settle for these free tattoo designs. Your tattoo is a symbol of yourself and also a form of identification that seperates you from others!

Next, you probably wouldn't know if these tattoo designs are done by trusted professionals tattoo and flash artist. It is always adviced that you only use designs that are done by these professionals.

Professional flash and tattoo artist have the knowledge and understanding of how the tattoo machine operates and how to draw a tattoo design that is tattoo friendly. And in every case, a tattoo friendly design is going to turn out much more beautiful than one that is not that tattoo friendly.

Now before you decide to use a free tattoo design that you found online, think about this: would you rather use designs that are free but has already been used by thousands of others, or would you rather use a design that is much more unique?

And also, do you want to use designs that you have no clue whether it is done by a trusted professional and if it is tattoo friendly?

So next time, before you decide to use a free tattoo design, do consider these two factors before you go ahead!

Good Luck!

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