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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Entrance Mats: Outdoor or Indoor?

By Bart Icles

Entrance mats are floor mats made out of any sturdy material that are weather resistant, and anti slip. These are placed inside or outside doorways and entrances of home and office buildings. Their main purpose is to reduce the spread of grit, dust, and dirt inside the interiors, and also protect flooring's, carpets, and rugs from normal to heavy wear and tear of foot traffic. It's available in various colors, shapes, and designs. Some companies offer mats that can be custom made for purposes of advertising a client's company logo, or have some catchy-words and phrases on it.

These mats can be divided into two types: the absorbent and non-absorbent types.

Absorbent mats are primarily used in areas where the chances of spillage of any form of liquid is highly probable. Rubber absorbent floor mats are usually made from sturdy materials such polypropylene fibers that are highly stain resistant and dries easily. With absorbent mats, one can feel safe and secure in the knowledge that all the surface areas are slip-proof since all liquid and moisture stays locked in place.

Non-absorbent mats are mainly for use in places where there is little or no spillage of liquids of any kind. These types of mats have a general and distinct surface design usually of a waffle pattern with raised rubber nubs under each square, or vinyl backed with a diamond or berber pattern fiber construction that gives a maximum scraping and trapping quality for non-liquid debris of any kind, while elevating any foot traffic on it in order to stay as dry as possible when presence of liquids is inevitable.

Outdoor entrance mats are thicker, heavier and denser than regular interior mats and is designed to hold up from 3 to 4 lbs. of dirt and solid debris. These outdoor mats are able to withstand harsh and varying weather conditions without easily degrading in structure and ability for a longer period of time.

Interior entrance mats are thinner and lighter in design but still possesses the inherent qualities of scraping and trapping of an outdoor mat, but not its ability to withstand harsh outdoor conditions.

The cost for maintaining entrance mats, indoor or outdoor, is relatively low and easy. Cleaning can mean just a simple brush down, vacuum cleaning, pressure washing is all that is required of these mats. It all depends on the amount of dirt, debris, and moisture that has been collected over the days or weeks it has been placed on the entrance ways.

For more information about these wonderful home and office floor mats, just log on to the website listed below.

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