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Sunday, May 3, 2009

On Concrete Polishing and Its Use Outdoors

By Sive Iver

With the imperfection property that concrete has with its crack and uneven cement. This gives us a appealing and a unique design for concrete polishing. This design or look is not as costly as other materials can be just like a wood, tile a stone is.

Concrete polishing is fast become the trend for home owners, business owner, designers and contractors. Most of the concrete polishing is us on the floor that we constantly walk on. Contractors are not contented on just polishing your concrete but have added color and design to make it more attractive.

From the beautiful polished concrete flooring designers and contractors are starting to use this concrete polishing on counter tops. They have used the same technique used on concrete polishing floors. Aside form the unique design that concrete has like minor crack, contractors can mold your counter top to your specific needs and wants.

Now outdoor concrete does not have to be boring anymore. Home owners, designers and business owners are polishing there outdoor concrete. Contractors will not only polish your concrete but will also add color and design to another wise boring cement.

A contractor does not even have to be confined in staining and adding other natural materials to make outdoor concrete polishing attractive. Concrete engraving is another option or design used to beautify your concrete. Concrete engraving is a more permanent design that can handle any traffic and harsh conditions.

What does concrete engraving mean? It is a concrete polishing with color stains applied on it after which engraved design is made on it. The engraving will create a path on the color stain leaving a path with no colors.

What contractors will do first to create concrete engraving is to clean and repair the surface. If there are dust and dirt that needs to be cleaned or major cracks that needs to be fixes. Then they will polish and apply a color stain on the concrete. The third step is to carve a design on the concrete. This design is then cleaned again and applied a sealer.

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