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Friday, December 5, 2008

Water Filters those Frequently Asked Questions

By Dewey Finn

The water filter industry is thriving. And just so you can make an informed decision when you buy a water purification system, we've put together the top water filter questions to guide you along the way.

Why shouldn't I drink tap water? There are still many people who have enough faith in their community water filtration system to feel comfortable drinking their tap water. But that number is quickly decreasing, as public awareness increases. Water testing has shown all kinds of invisible foreign bodies in our drinking water.

If you could see what the lab technicians see under their microscopes, you'd probably run for your life. Or at least, you'd immediately stop drinking tap water. There are some major menaces lurking in there that could make you very sick, or even kill you!

You need to be aware that there are pathogens in your water. That's the name given to the three types of disease-causing microbes. Those three types are: Protozoa, which includes giardia and cryptosporidium (even the names sound scary); bacteria, like the infamous E. coli; and viruses, like hepatitis. Now do you want to be pouring that into your body? Probably not!

If I'm concerned about water purity, can't I just buy bottled water? Bottled water is a huge industry, now that it's clear that our water is anything but clear. But, like most industries, there's the good and the bad. There's a lot of bottled water available that's only partially filtered, so there could still be some contaminants in it.

If you're really concerned about safe drinking water, make sure you buy a well-known brand that proves to be pure.

Is boiling my water enough to remove contaminants? By boiling your water for a couple of minutes, you'll eliminate many of the E. coli, giardia, crypto, and other such organisms. But it won't remove any of the harmful metals. In fact, as the water evaporates, the metals become even stronger.

Your best bet is to use a in home water filter. It's much easier than constantly boiling water, and it's definitely much safer and much more effective.

How do I know what kind of water filter to buy? There are several water filtration systems available. They all do an adequate job of purifying your water. You just have to decide which one suits your water use and lifestyle the best.

You can get a water jug, with a filter, or you can get a filter that fits onto your tap. You can also get an in-line filter that's mounted on your counter. This type is connected directly to your cold water supply. Or you can get one that's installed under your sink, with its own independent tap.

Which water filtration system works the best? All Nikken water filtration systems work well. They do what they're designed to do. Again, it depends on your use and preferences. A water filtration system forces water through a material, called a media, that allows the water through, but not the impurities.

Or you can use the distillation method, which is, simply put, boiling the impurities out of the water. This is very effective, but you have to pay for the power to run them, and you also have to de-scale them periodically.

The other method, which is also very effective, is called reverse osmosis. This is a very thorough method which goes through several stages in filtering the water. The end result is very pure water, but not all the water that goes into the system comes out clean. There's a certain amount of waste - the water that carries all the impurities. That goes down the drain.

Is reverse osmosis better than other water filtrations systems? To decide if reverse osmosis is better than other methods, you have to define "better". It's probably the most efficient system as far as removing impurities. However, it does have some disadvantages.

Because the system is so thorough, it takes more time, and uses more water. So you need a holding tank - that's extra equipment, which usually means extra money. Also, it doesn't work well with hard water, so you need to be living in a soft water area. And you need to have a minimum water pressure of 50 psi to operate the system.

How long will my filters last? Obviously, some filters last longer than others. It depends on which water treatment system you're using. If you have a water filter jug, then the average use for one filter is about three months. But if you go through a lot of water, like if you have a large family, you may have to change your filter every month.

Usually, the general rule is, the larger the filter, the longer it lasts. You need to check out your owner's manual for specifics. It's important to remember that you should always change your filter within the suggested times. If you drink water that's been passed through an expired filter, you may as well not use it at all because it's full of contaminants that have already been filtered out.

What type of contaminants do water filters remove? Water filters are designed to improve the taste and odor of the water. Nobody likes to drink water that tastes of chlorine, so that's one of the most important things that are filtered out. Metals, like copper and lead, are also eliminated.

And, of course, we need to get rid of the bacteria - those giardia and cryptosporidium that can be so harmful, or even fatal.

Why would I need a whole house filtration system? Filtering your drinking water is half the battle, but it's not the whole war. Bacteria isn't transferred only by drinking - you can also pass it on by hand, with the water you use in the rest of your house for washing the dishes, washing your hands, etc.

Whole house water filters do a great job of removing the chlorine and other bad tastes and odors, along with the other impurities you don't want to come into contact with. These filters are hooked up to your main water line into the house, so nothing gets by them. Another great benefit is that you can purify about 100,000 gallons of water before you have to change the filter.

Where's the best place to buy water filters? Because water purifiers are so popular these days, there are many manufacturers and distributors vying for your business. So the best place shop for your home water filters is on the Internet.

That way, you can get all the information you need, including the best prices, and the most beneficial features, without leaving the comfort of your home.

We all want to drink water that looks clear, not cloudy, and that has no bad taste or odor. And we all want to wash with water that has no bacteria or viruses. And that's why water filters are the way to go.

We'll suggest a couple of the many distributors of fine water filters. Check out these brands: PiMag Water Systems, Aqua Gold, or Richard Simmons' Pure To Go Personal Water Filter System.

There are many more, and you can see all the online water filter merchants right there, and decide which one is best for you. I'll drink to that!

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