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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rod Bending Carp Baits And Irresistible Fishing Ingredients!

By Tim Richardson

New baits are the key to consistently catching big carp because they will be treated with far less caution than any baits they have been hooked on previously! You might favor particle baits like peanuts or tiger nuts, or instant baits high in concentrated flavors or nutritionally stimulating baits. But whatever it is you can be sure that keeping them different to what has been used before is absolutely essential for consistent catches.

The purpose of a fishing bait is not to smell like a banana, nor be an eye-catching colour, nor shine in the dark like a beacon, or taste like a banquet. It is merely to get your hook in the fishs mouths for the split second it tasks to have the slightest chance of hooking a fish. Everything else is secondary. But many fishermen seriously cut their chances by using baits many others have caught fish on before, not realising how much harder fish on such baits unfortunately can be to catch; having been hooked on them previously! (So many overlook this top priority warning!) It should therefore make absolute sense that making your bait different to previously successful baits is a big key to consistent big fish success.

To prolong the life of a readymade bait or produce a new homemade one, you have an amazingly diverse fishing bait industry offering decades of experience and field tested products proven to catch fish. So finding new products and combinations of them you can trust is easy. But there are literally thousands of products which can be exploited which are not usually used by carp anglers and theses often have potent competitive edges over the most popular proprietary ones on pressured carp waters.

It has been said that even changing to a new flavor can improve results and this is true. Flavors are probably the most famous and popular but least understood fishing bait ingredients for thousands of fish species. They can be exceptionally varied in their contents and effects upon fish senses and how they work is often shrouded in theories and tank tests with little in common with real fishing conditions.

The smell and taste of a bait can simply originate from innate flavors in the base mix and most carp anglers forget that even soya flour, semolina, maize meal, wheat flour or rice flour all have unique tastes and smells which even humans can appreciate with our blunted senses compared to acutely sharp carp ones. Once the stronger more highly soluble flavor substances have leached out of a bait you are left with those possibly less concentrated ones which still tempt fish. At this stage you are dependant upon the more nutritional stimulatory substances naturally within your bait ingredients to induce a bite.

Big carp can come from any bait from highly flavored ones to ones with zero added flavor including plastic and rubber baits and even artificial lures and live baits. Carp do go predatory at times and are programmed to detect exploit any potential suitable new food source. Various anglers argue the cases for using rubber and plastic baits and others recommend highly flavored instant attractor baits or balanced profile biologically beneficial food baits.

It is obvious that nearly any bait will catch a carp once. Much of the reason fake plastic and rubber baits catch carp is the lack of suspicion aroused by them, compared to conventional round boilies for example. This often because they do not contain the concentrated substances carp can recognise and relate to previous experiences of getting caught, but even these baits are far from sterile, having natural and human hand added attraction too like butyric acid.

Out of the potential millions of substances you can exploit to make your bait different, new and totally unique consistently over time there are those which have been proven very successful, especially for the bigger fish and many are well known ingredients and flavors offered by bait companies. But there are of course many ingredients and substances not known by the majority of anglers which are either quietly being used by bait companies or not at all and many have yet to be discovered. We can use our own food ingredients as useful guides to what to use to enhance and differentiate our baits to improve results, as we share similar senses and essential needs as fish (albeit in very specific areas.)

Fish and humans share many of the same vital processes and body chemicals we need to survive. A familiar and popular bait additive today is betaine which fish and we use in digestive juices which is also significantly used to remove harmful products in the body. Betaine is one of those substances which is found naturally abundant in nature and which our and fish bodies extract from natural foods for a balanced healthy body. So it makes sense being abundant in our natural foods that our bodies can instinctively senses its need for it and our food detection senses code for this substance strongly.

Not surprisingly carp are highly stimulated by betaine as it has essential parts to play within its body and its feed triggering effects upon carp sensory mechanisms are is well recommended; especially with amino acids in your baits! The needs of carp for betaine are so high that it beats the intensity of feeding response to a range of well known stimulatory amino acids, the essential building blocks of proteins for growth for example. In fact betaine plays a great role in the formation of digestive juices especially for the digestion of proteins; human and carp digestion and enzymes are significantly similar in very many ways which we can exploit in our baits!

From the active enzymes in hemp seeds, peptides in milk powder ingredients, theobromine and polyphenols in coco, sugars, flavonoids, ketones, acids, esters and enzymes etc in real fruit juices, even salts and acids in mature cheese; these are all potent feeding triggers and attractors. Next time look at the ingredients list of a readymade meal and count how many stimulate you and how and might be fish attractors and feeding triggers to exploit in your baits. These ingredients are often included for powerful bioactive and habit-forming reasons to get you and your body to crave for more... Whether your first priority is the fishing, hunting camping or just pursuing hobbies outdoors for recreation and sport, your bait will make all the difference; so the more you know the better your results will be for life!

By Tim Richardson.

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